More than just a place, More like a warm embrace. Where my roots are found, Here my heart bound. Sunrises paint the sky bright, Making my dreams take flight. 心之所归 不仅是一个地方, 更像温暖的怀抱。 我在这里扎根, 心
Nowadays, red tourism(红色旅游) is becoming more and more popular. There are many red scenic spots(旅游景点) around China. By visiting these places, we can learn the history of modern China. We can know about
Why can we hear? It’s because we have ears, of course. But do you know how our ears work? The ear has three parts: the outer ear(外耳), the middle ear(中耳), and the inner ear(内耳). They all work toge
If you see a new plant, you may want to know something about it. Where do you start? A plant app can help you. It’s called Xingse. Download the app on your phone, open it and take a clear picture of
During the Spring and Autumn period, the state of Wu and the state of Yue were neighbors. But there were always wars between them. During one war, Wu defeated Yue. Goujian(勾践), the king of Yue, was c
《坎特维尔的幽灵》是爱尔兰作家奥斯卡·王尔德创作的一部幽默风趣的短篇小说,讲述了奥蒂斯一家搬入了英国古老的坎特维尔庄园,而庄园里住着的古怪幽灵西蒙·坎特维尔爵士想尽办法要把他们吓跑。可是,出乎意料的是…… 小说创作于1887年,此时英国正处于第二次工业革命后期,社会迅速变化。故事中的奥蒂斯一家代表了实用主义和物质主义,而坎特维尔的幽灵则象征着英国古老的贵族传统与精神文化,这些差异在小说中发生了有
古镇历史悠久,有着丰富的文化内涵。你的家乡有古镇吗?你会用英语向外国游客介绍古镇吗?用这些词试一试 吧。
Tiger Wang和Rabbit Zhang兴致勃勃地打开锦囊,一时间天旋地转——待他们定睛一看,竟来到了一个语法迷宫。该往哪里走呢? I like (swim) in the pool every summer. 也许……答对这道题就能找到路了。我觉得填to swim和swimming都可以! 话音刚落,墙上的字迹渐渐变得模糊起来。 不好!答错了题目会消失!这里出现了every s
Jacky是个小马虎,常常会犯一些小错误。我们先来看看他的英语作文吧! My mom is a doctor. She is kind and nice. I very love her. She is very much busy every day. She treats (对待) her patients(病人) very well. 同学们,Jacky的作文中出了哪些错?我们已经帮他改
传说爱尔兰有个名叫Stingy Jack的人,他成功地骗过了魔鬼两次。第一次,他骗魔鬼爬上一棵树,然后在树下刻了十字形,使魔鬼无法下来。为了让Jack移开十字,魔鬼答应Jack十年内都不会来带走他的灵魂。第二次,Jack施计让魔鬼变成了一个硬币,使魔鬼再次被困。魔鬼只得答应Jack,他的灵魂永远不会被带到地狱。当Jack去世后,由于他一生中做了太多坏事,天堂不愿接纳他。可由于魔鬼之前做过承诺,地狱
岁月如歌,山河壮丽,七十五年的风雨兼程,铸就了祖国今日的辉煌盛世。在全世界眼中,中国有哪些地方吸引着他们去探索?让我们踏上“旅程”,一起遍览神州大地,再来说一说:歌曲中有哪些你熟知的地方与文化符号?今天我们该如何讲好中国故事? 小挑战:欣赏歌曲,并参考歌词大意,将歌词补充完整。 Gonna pack a bag start living my Find the place where
The phone is out of battery. 手机没电了。 Hey baby, my phone is/runs out of battery. It’s down to 6%. 嘿,宝贝,我的手机没电了。只有6%了。 Then, put the other end into your cell phone. 然后,把另一端插入你的手机。 When it’s chargin
这是一篇关于理想的作文,学生可以从梦想是什么(what)、为什么有这样的梦想(why)、怎样实现梦想(how)等方面入手。学生在实际生活中可以体察、体认不同职业的特点,树立理想信念,形成正确的价值观,为实现个人梦、中国梦而努力。 astronaut航天员 inventor发明家 postman邮递员 scientist科学家 pilot飞行员 lawyer律师 artist艺术家
Once upon a time, there was a king. He had three daughters. It was the king’s birthday. Happy Birthday! In my heart, you’re as valuable(有价值的) as gold!
He is funny. He is careless(粗心的). He always makes a fool of himself(出丑). He is Mr Bean(憨豆先生). Rowan Atkinson is a British actor. He plays(扮演) Mr Bean. In Johnny English Reborn(《憨豆特工2》), he plays a s
万圣节是西方国家的一个传统节日。每年的10月31日被称为“万圣节之夜”。这是一年中最“闹鬼”的一夜,也成了孩子们最爱的“热闹夜”。我们一起去感受一下吧。 万圣节的化装舞会上,人们戴上了千奇百怪的面具,装扮成各路妖魔鬼怪,相互吓唬取乐。聪明的你需要寻找一张神奇的面具,这张面具就藏在魔法师的城堡中。你需要闯入城堡,并找出下面每组字母组合中隐藏的一对反义词,才能成功找到它。 1. bgismall