Around the table, we take our seat, For a feast to share family’s sweet. Crispy spring rolls, noodles so long, Then come dumplings made of grandma’s love. Sit around the table, and love has no bou
What is your plan for this winter vacation? Nothing’s more fun than traveling to new places. Check out these 7 cities across the world. You can find out many interesting things to see and do in these
塔克斯、英迪和尼克在一起制作瓦伦丁节卡片。塔克斯和尼克都想用那张最大的心形纸做自己的卡片,谁也不肯让步。之后,两人改变了想法,一起制作了一张漂亮的卡片。可这张卡片要归谁所有呢?他们又犯了难。这时,尼克的妈妈和妹妹安妮来给大家送上了美味的食物。调皮的安妮把心形卡片撕成了两半,这下,塔克斯和尼克一人一半。这真是一份送给彼此的最好的礼物! WORDS half /hɑːf/ n.一半 valent
年画(Nianhua, Chinese New Year Paintings)是我国一种历史悠久的民间艺术,起源于西汉,成型于北宋,盛行于明清。美丽的年画,彰显着中国人民的审美智慧与文化自信。 十九世纪末二十世纪初,年画漂洋过海,成为纳塔莉亚·冈察洛娃(Natalia Goncharova)和米凯尔·拉里昂诺夫(Mikhail Larionov)等著名俄罗斯先锋派艺术家们的收藏品,并影响着他们的
Mark和Maggie在学校的老图书馆中发现了一本精美而神秘的古书,他们将古书带回了Mark家。他们该如何打开这本上锁的古书呢?一场奇幻之旅继续展开…… 语法解析:and意为“和”,用于连接两个并列的句子或成分,表示两个事物、状态、情况同时存在。例如: I like coffee and tea.(我喜欢咖啡和茶。) 突然,书里掉出了一片金色树叶。他们惊讶地发现,叶子上写着开锁的方法:“月洒
Mumble is an emperor penguin(帝企鹅). He lives in Emperor Land. He is King there and has a happy family. But Mumble has a problem. His son, Erik, doesn’t want to dance. Erik runs away from home. Then, h
每个人都有一些藏在心底的美好回忆。这些回忆或是关乎家庭,或是关乎友谊。有时,它们会在梦中悄然出现。在梦中,我们能够重温那些消失在时光长河中的美好瞬间,再次见到那些阔别已久的故人往事。一起来欣赏歌曲《唯有在梦中》,它改编自著名抒情诗人莎拉·蒂斯黛尔的同名诗歌。轻柔的歌声将把我们一起送回到童年与朋友们嬉笑玩闹的瞬间,那些珍贵又美好的回忆将温暖整个冬季。 小挑战:欣赏歌曲,并参考歌词大意,将歌曲补充完
你喜欢下雪的冬天吗?雪花静静地飘落,整个世界都变得银装素裹了。下雪天是那样美好! Snow is_____and whispery. It hardly makes a_____ As it gently whirls and twirls Before it settles on the_____. Snow is soft and shivery. It’s very _____
The Spring Festival is my favourite festival. My family often do many interesting things. We often stick the character “Fu” on doors and windows to bring good luck. We also make a lot of dumplings, an
During the Spring Festival, I paste the spring couplets, make dumplings, set off fireworks, and celebrate with my family. In addition(除此以外), on Chinese New Year’s Eve, I always play with my friends. W
Last year, I had a special Spring Festival, because my parents and I travelled to Hong Kong to celebrate. We spent three days there. On the first day, we went to the Disneyland Resort and the Ocean Pa
I Spy视觉大发现
When it gets cold and starts to snow, Groundhog knows just where to go. He scampers to his burrow deep, Cuddles up, and goes to sleep. Groundhog naps till winter’s done. Then up he’ll pop when sp