My nose grows lonely through winter, For coloured smells in springtime only— The purple smell of lilacs, The pink smell of tall peach trees, And everywhere the green smell Of grass the whole worl
Potatoes are nutritious. They are rich in(富含) vitamin B and vitamin C. A potato’s vitamin C is as rich as(和……一样丰富) 10 apples. Potatoes are easy to grow. They don’t need much water. We can grow them i
Minibeast是指小型无脊椎动物。在自然科学课上,你学到过哪些呢?它们有的长得灵巧可爱,有的却不怎么讨人喜欢。以下我们介绍的这几种,有没有一款是你的最爱? Bees live in a group called a colony(聚居地). Each colony has one queen bee who lays(产卵) the eggs. Worker bees collect swe
阳春三月,春姑娘迈着轻盈的步子悄悄来临。小草带着泥土的芳香钻了出来;花儿也伸了伸懒腰,探出了小脑袋;小鸟们唱着动听的歌,告诉我们春天来了。3月12日,是中国的植树节。在这万物复苏的时节,让我们种下一棵棵小树苗,为地球增添一些绿意吧! Because trees can make the air fresher. We can rest in their shade. And trees are
有朋友当然好,可如果碰到一个人独处时,你会选择在寂寞中让时光流逝,还是给自己找点儿快乐事,享受独处时光,变得独立、坚强? Little Bunny invited Squirrel to play. But Squirrel had a cold. So Little Bunny called Raccoon. But Raccoon was visiting his grandma. Mama
《灰姑娘》是大家耳熟能详的童话故事,相信同学们都已经在译林版小学《英语》五年级(下册)中学过了。但这个故事并非西方独有。早在唐朝时期,著名志怪小说家段成式就在《酉阳杂俎》里写过一个名叫叶限的姑娘,她被认为是中国版的“灰姑娘”。让我们走进叶限的故事,看看它与《灰姑娘》有什么异同。 In a little village by the sea, there lives a kind and beau
3月27日是“世界戏剧日”。你一定也在学校观看或者参加过不少课本剧吧? costume 戏服
Magic Book打开了,书页上是神秘的符号与图案,漂亮极了。 Look at these beautiful pictures! 语法解析: beautiful为形容词。形容词通常修饰名词或代词,用来描述事物的性质、状态、大小、颜色、形状等。在句中常放在名词、代词之前,系动词之后。主要有以下几种用法: 1.作定语,放在所修饰词的前面。例如:Tommy sees the beautiful
本期推荐: 《棚车少年》(The Boxcar Children) 这是一套在美国畅销60年的经典儿童文学作品,全球销量已超过2亿册,曾入选最受小读者喜爱的“百本优秀图书”。它让我们在阅读中感受到勇气、智慧和善良的力量。 Henry、Jessie、Violet和Benny四兄妹小小年纪就没了父母,相依为命。他们得知他们的爷爷还活着,但他们不愿跟爷爷一起生活。为了躲避,他们在破旧的棚车里安了家。
在《夏洛的网》中,夏洛对威尔伯说:“你是我的朋友,这件事本身就是一件了不起的事。一只蜘蛛,一生忙着捕捉和吃苍蝇是毫无意义的。通过帮助你,也许可以提升一点我的生命价值。”是的,这个故事之所以动人,就是因为平凡的人物用爱和友谊创造了平凡生活中的奇迹。一起欣赏电影《夏洛的网》的插曲《平凡的奇迹》,跟随歌词去体味创作者对小说内涵的理解与把握。 It’s not that unusual When ev
Eggs from the . Juice from the . Milk from the . Honey from the . Breakfast is served With love—from ME! (听一听,读一读,并将缺失的单词补充完整。) 思考感悟: 当我们每天早上吃着美味的早餐,穿上舒适得体的衣物,走出家门去上学时,是否想过,我们吃
Yes. We can’t hear them singing because the sound is very low. But elephants sing to each other often. No. Elephants like to eat leaves, grasses and many other things but only eat peanuts when they a
Look! My beautiful home is in a village. My family always keep it clean. There are three bedrooms in it. My favourite room is my study. It looks very nice. There are so many books on the bookshelf. I
My home is clean and tidy. In my bedroom, there are a lot of books and toys. I always study and play here. In the kitchen, my mum always cooks nice food for us. In the living room, there is a big and
There are five bedrooms, two bathrooms, a kitchen and a living room in my home. There’s a big garden, too. When I feel tired, I like to enjoy the beautiful flowers and green plants in the garden. We a
I have a big and beautiful home. It has two bedrooms, a living room, a kitchen and a bathroom. Among all the rooms, I like the kitchen best, because my parents always cook yummy food for me in it. I s
七个小伙伴在游乐园玩得好开心。他们都是谁?请根据下面的文字提示,将人名写在与数字对应的横线上。 Amy’s hair is yellow. Moly and her brother Math are on the pirate ship(海盗船). Jack wears a green shirt. Jon wears a red hat. Mary wears blue shorts.
同学们,这期的《大千世界》中,我们学到了许多可爱的小虫子的英文名称,大家还能记住多少?来,做个小游戏,根据提示把它们的名称填到小格子里吧。 Across横向: Down纵向: 1.I make honey. 1. I come out of a chrysalis. 2.I spin(编织) webs. 2. I carry my home on my back. 3.I’m a baby