The leaves are falling down, In shades of golden and brown. The air is crisp and cool, It’s time to go to school. Oh, the golden time of year! There’s so much fun and cheer. 树叶正纷纷飘落, 金色与棕色交错。
Watching the Olympics is exciting. At the 2024 Paris Olympics(2024年巴黎奥运会), we’ve seen four extreme sports(极限运动). They are BMX riding(小轮车比赛), rock climbing(攀岩), surfing(冲浪) and skateboarding(滑板). What
Flamingos are like supermodels(超模) in the animal world. They have long legs and beautiful feathers(羽毛). They can swim and fly. They live near shallow water(浅水区) of lakes and swamps(沼泽). They like livi
Long time ago, there was a man called Yang Shi. He studied hard. One day he and his friend, You Zuo, went to their teacher’s home for class. Their teacher, Cheng Yi, was taking a nap. Perhaps we can
经典文学名著《简·爱》讲述了孤女简·爱的成长故事。幼年时,她失去了父母、舅舅,最终被舅妈被送往遥远的洛伍德寄宿学校…… 小说中的这所学校,是19世纪英国寄宿制学校的一个缩影。洛伍德是一所慈善学校,专门收容穷苦人家的孩子或是像简·爱一样的孤儿。学校办学条件恶劣,学生忍饥挨饿,还常因肺结核等病痛失去生命。夏洛蒂·勃朗特对洛伍德寄宿学校的塑造取材于她的一段真实经历。 When Jane Eyre w
《神奇树屋》系列讲述了一对小兄妹杰克与安妮的冒险故事。八岁的哥哥杰克理性、冷静,喜欢看书,会将沿途看到的事物有重点地记录下来;而七岁的妹妹安妮爱幻想爱冒险,并且勇于尝试。这对兄妹在森林里发现了一座堆满书的神奇树屋。神奇树屋就像时光机器,带他们到一个个不同的时空中旅行。于是,他们来到史前时代的恐龙谷,和骑士探访古世纪的城堡,到古埃及破解木乃伊的秘密……每一次冒险都紧张刺激,精彩万分。 《神奇树屋》
一、there be句型?have/has句型? 新学年到啦,天宫语法学堂又迎来一批新学生。他们在学校有哪些奇妙的经历?又学到了什么语法知识呢?快随着刚入学的Tiger Wang和Rabbit Zhang一探究竟吧。 二、一般现在时?一般过去时? 中秋节到了,天宫语法学堂正在举办一年一度的中秋宴。孩子们正在参加“月饼大合唱”活动。只要他们为自己的月饼写好歌词,月饼就会唱歌啦。
这四个词都有“找”的意思,不过它们在使用的时候是有区别的。我们一起仔细看看吧。 look for意为“寻找”,强调找的动作和过程,但还没有找到。如: He is looking for his basketball.(这句话强调正在找篮球,但还没有找到。) Lily is looking everywhere for her key.(这句话强调正在到处找钥匙,但还没有找到。) find意
凉爽的秋风把我们送入了新学年。升入新的年级,面对新的挑战,你是否感到迷惘不安?请记住,我们每个人都是独一无二的,拥有着无限可能。无需与他人做比较,坚持做最好的自己就好。一起来听《谁说》这首歌吧,希望它能给你勇气,让你无惧挑战,向着星光闪耀的未来勇敢前行。 小挑战:欣赏歌曲,并参考歌词大意,将歌词补充完整。 I wouldn’t wanna be anybody else, hey! You
Today, Mum got a message saying that a package arrived at the package station.今天,妈妈收到一条消息,说有一个包裹到快递站了。So, we went there to pick up the package.所以,我们去取快递。 They helped us find the package. 他们帮我们找到了包裹。
这是一篇介绍性文章,小动物的外形、独特的习性和与我们之间发生的故事等都是很好的习作内容。学生可以从自己养过或熟悉的小动物入手,分别从feature、ability和hobbies等方面介绍自己的动物朋友。写作文时要注意: ●选择一般现在时,可以用she或者he来对动物朋友进行拟人化描述。 ●要善于使用连接词and、but、although等来接连短句。结尾还可用感叹句What a lovely
Stop, Bobby! No digging in the trash can(垃圾桶)! Now we’re on a family vacation, and Bobby is at grandma and grandpa’s house. dog-tired 字面义:像狗一样累、“累成狗” 引申义:精疲力竭的 例句: After climbing up the tall mou
Rango is a pet chameleon(变色龙). He lives in a fish tank(鱼缸) and likes daydreaming(做白日梦). He wants to be a great hero(英雄). One day, Rango comes to an old town called Dirt. A group of other animals live
THE BOOK Zhu Xi There lies a glassy oblong pool, Where light and shade pursue their course. How can it be so clear and cool? For water fresh comes from its source. (Translated by Xu Yuanchong)