The snow is soft, Falling softly through the night. The snow is a toy, For every laughing girl and boy. The snow is unfair, For those where there’s no snowfall. 雪是轻柔的, 轻轻地下了一整夜。 雪是玩具, 让每一个男孩女
学 校:江苏省常州市武进区星韵学校 本期小导游:黄心铭 指导老师:姚 甜 Pingtan is in Fujian Province. It was called “Haitan” in old times. It has a long history of 7,000 years. It is the nearest place to our Taiwan Province. 平潭县
阅读提示: 很久以前,海里居住着一只年兽。每到年底,它就从海里出来,跑到村庄里吃光家禽,甚至还会吃人,吓得村民们都跑到山里躲避。他们该如何赶走这只可怕的年兽呢?Let’s read the story.
阅读提示: 天气越来越冷了,人们纷纷穿上厚厚的衣服,戴上厚厚的帽子。奶奶坐在温暖的阳光下,一刻不停歇地忙碌着,家人和她说话,她都没空回答。奶奶在忙什么呢?Let’s read the story.
绘本导读: 当我们抬起头仰望夜空,那浩瀚的星空是如此辽阔、深邃、神秘。人类对于太空的探索是永无止境的。向宇宙进军,是人类宏大而艰巨的目标。 在魔法世界里,女巫温妮也把目光瞄准了太空。太空漫步,对一个合格的女巫来说so easy!但是,女巫温妮的太空冒险也遇到了意想不到的问题,比如说,她的火箭被太空兔子吃掉了!该怎么办呢?
过年啦!Sally和Jolly来到了有“中国第一水乡”之称的周庄,姑妈邀请他们来品尝地道的淮扬菜(Huaiyang cuisines)。淮扬菜发源于淮安、扬州,是江苏菜系的代表。淮扬菜刀法精细,口味清淡,与鲁菜(Shandong cuisines)、川菜(Sichuan cuisines)、粤菜(Guangdong cuisines)并称“中国四大菜系”。 松鼠鳜鱼色泽鲜亮,美味至极。那么,你知
制作地:江苏省南通市海门实验学校附属小学三(3)班 巧手娃:单亦扬 成亦鸣 指导老师:黄燕青 亲爱的小伙伴们,在学期结束时,回顾一下自己取得了哪些进步,给自己颁发一枚特别的“奖章”吧!这些自制的“荣誉奖章”,不仅环保、美观,还能肯定和鼓励自己,激发继续向上的动力。快来一起制作吧!
Year of the Dragon龙年吉祥
Listen and Choose 听录音,根据问句选择正确的答句。 ( )1. It’s a cake. ( )2. I am fine. ( )3. He is a policeman. ( )4. I’d like some sweets. ( )5. She is my sister. ( )6. I like playing basketball.
Super Animal Dads动物界的“超级奶爸”
Actors:史枭煜 高 泽 张惠妍 黄钰淇 葛王琦 曹旭妍 Site:江苏省如东县友谊路小学406班 很久很久以前,有一只可怕的大火龙。He is strong and powerful. He looks so horrible. The dragon family like eating animals! Today, the dragon family want to fin
Kong Rong Gave Away Bigger Pears孔融让梨
剧情简介 性格内向的小男孩乔什随父母搬到纽约,他一时间难以适应新学校。不过,当他发现新家的阁楼里住着一只鳄鱼时,一切都发生了变化。鳄鱼莱莱可不是普通的鳄鱼,它会唱歌!乔什的父母一开始非常害怕,但莱莱最终赢得了他们的喜爱,成为这个家庭的一员。乔什一家人与魔术师赫克托联手,帮助鳄鱼莱莱走上了真正的舞台……影片向人们讲述了一个不同寻常的亲情故事,传递出爱与温暖。 角色介绍 My name is L
A New Year arrives. Fireworks, colourful clothes and delicious food make me excited. I get a new basketball from my father. I like playing basketball best. I hope I can become taller and stronger
The Spring Festival is a traditional holiday in China. There are various customs for this festival. Paying a New Year call(拜年) is an important part. I get my New Year gifts from my families. I wis
New Year’s Day is coming. It’s the year of Chinese Dragon. We can watch Dragon Dance performance. We say “Happy New Year!” to each other. Then we can exchange(交换) presents. I hope all of us will
New Year’s Day is a big day. This year, I go to a farm with my parents. First, we visit our grandparents. Then, we can play with the animals on the farm. We can also pick some fruits from the tree
I am very excited. I look forward to Chinese New Year every day. Dad and I will stick Spring Festival couplets (春联) together. There are many customs during Chinese New Year. Setting off firecrac
My favorite festival is the Spring Festival. The Spring Festival means reunion and growing up. On New Year’s Eve, we eat delicious New Year’s Eve dinner. We watch the Spring Festival Gala together.
I can get many gifts during the Spring Festival. My dad gives me some toys and sweet candies. My mum gives me some interesting books. We go to visit my grandparents. We are happy to get together.
The Spring Festival is my favorite festival. It is one of the most important festivals in China. On New Year’s Eve, I have a big dinner with my family. We all have a good time. To my surprise, I g
If you’re happy and you know it, clap your hands. If you’re happy and you know it, clap your hands. If you’re happy and you know it, then your face will surely show it. If you’re happy and you k
A Yellow Butterfly