In April, come he will. In May, sing all day. In June, change his tune. In July, prepare to fly. In August, go he must! 四月,它来了。 五月,它整天吟唱。 六月,它改变了曲调。 七月,它准备飞翔。 八月,它就得离去了! (安 妮 / 供 稿)
学 校:江苏省常州市武进区星韵学校 本期小导游:王立澄 指导老师:王 潇 Xinjiang is an important part of the Silk Road. Let’s go and meet Xinjiang. 新疆是“丝绸之路”的重要组成部分。让我们一起出发,走进神秘的新疆吧。 Except for the Narat Grassland and the Taklam
阅读提示: Miss Rabbit一早起来感觉有些无聊,于是去找动物们玩耍,可是勤劳的动物们都特别忙,没空和她玩耍。动物们都在忙什么呢?Let’s read the story. I want to play with my friends. Miss Rabbit meets Mrs Swallow(燕子). She wants to play with Mrs Swallow. H
绘本导读: 每到动物园,相信你一定会去拜访那些脖子长长、举止优雅的长颈鹿!瞧,绘本中的杰拉德就是一只长颈鹿。它静静地站在树下,抬头就能吃到树上的叶片,美得像一幅画!可是,你知道杰拉德的烦恼吗? 热闹非凡的非洲丛林舞会就要开始了!丛林里的动物们个个都舞姿蹁跹,华尔兹、探戈、恰恰……多么迷人!可杰拉德一走上舞台,大家就哄堂大笑。毕竟——长颈鹿天生不会跳舞呀!杰拉德该怎么办呢? Gerald wa
4月22日是世界地球日(Earth Day)。Sally和Jolly随父母再次来到了苏州。俗话说,“一座苏州城,半部园林诗。”苏州园林历史悠久,是中国古典园林艺术的经典代表。Sally和Jolly在苏州园林漫步,仿佛置身于山水画长卷之中…… There are 108 classical gardens in Suzhou. They are all very beautiful. There
制作地:江苏省南通市海门实验 学校附属小学一(4)班 巧手娃:汪炘延 指导老师:黄燕青 不经一番寒彻骨,怎得梅花扑鼻香。美丽、坚韧的梅花,是大自然赐予我们的珍贵礼物。想要留住梅花的倩影,就得靠我们自己动动巧手来制作啦! 扫一扫,关注我们,回复“2404中英”查看视频。 Prepare some well-shaped branches, clay, glass bottles, sa
Parts of a Bike自行车上有什么
听录音,为下面的动物涂色。 扫一扫,关注我们,回复“2404中英”听录音,并查看答案。 观察这栋房子,看看大家分别住在第几层。他们又在做些什么呢? 1. Who lives on the first floor? 2. Does Aunt Lily live on the second floor? 3. Which floor does Uncle John live
How many ethnic groups(民族) are there in our country? Quiz time: 在我国,生活着许多少数民族的人们。就像一首歌中所唱:“五十六个民族,五十六朵花……同为祖国增春光。”The 56 ethnic groups in China live together like brothers and sisters. The Han ethn
About The Poem Do you know how to fish? Do you like fishing? When you fish, you need to be very quiet. If you talk loudly, you’ll scare the fish away! In today’s story, the little girl is fish
爱好发明的怪物女孩阿基和章鱼爸爸水泡生活在半岛上。阿基日复一日地练习,却始终没能掌握爸爸拥有的再生能力。贪婪的梅比博士大肆汲取太阳的能量,试图逆天改命。阿基实验失败,导致行踪暴露,爸爸被抓。梅比博士利用水泡的再生能力为所欲为,无休止地破坏,让整个星球濒临毁灭。阿基在寻找爸爸的过程中,认识了邦尼布鲁和伊戈。大家齐心协力,阻止了梅比博士,拯救了星球。 梅比博士贪婪地汲取阳光,半岛上的所有生命即将毁灭
Do you know my day? Let me tell you. I always get up at six thirty. I have breakfast at six forty. I have three lessons in the morning. At eleven thirty, I have lunch with my classmates. I like S
Today is Monday. I get up at six thirty. Then I wash my face and brush my teeth. I have bread and milk for breakfast. I go to school at seven o’clock. In the afternoon, I have science and PE. I l
Today is Saturday, a busy day for me. In the morning, I need to learn calligraphy(书法). My teacher teaches us to write blessings(祝福语). In the afternoon, I have a drawing lesson. With the help of my
Today is a sunny Sunday. I go to the library with my mother. In the library, I lose myself in the world of books. I feel like talking with people in the books. At noon, we have a delicious meal in
I’m happy because I have a beautiful school and a happy family. I go to school by car every day. I usually have three lessons in the morning and four lessons in the afternoon. We have different cl
I am excited to share my day with you. In the morning, I go to school early. My friends and I have lessons together. At noon, I always have lunch at school. After lunch, I often read books or do m
Today is Sunday. The weather is sunny and warm. I put on my brown trousers and football shoes. In the playground, I see a lot of children. Some of them are warming up, some are practicing shooting
Today is Saturday. I wake up at 8 o’clock, tidy up my room, and then start having breakfast. In the morning, I finish my homework. After lunch, I do a few hours of fencing(击剑) training. I am a gre
Where is daddy? Where is daddy? Here I am, here I am. How are you today, daddy? Very well I thank you. Run away, run away. 一定要记住的句型! How are you today, daddy? 今天怎么样啊,爸爸? How are you today, mom
发 现 地: 江苏省扬州市育才小学 指导老师: 王 维 Hello! I am Mini. I’m in Class 16, Grade 4. There are many activities in our school. We have “快乐朗诵赛” in lower grades. We have “小小书法家” in middle grades. We also have “古
◎有人说现在的孩子不像以前那么有想象力了…… ◎他们说现在我们整天做的事情就是坐着看电视…… ◎真的是这样吗? ◎胡说八道!
There is a bird in the poplars! It is the sun! The leaves are little yellow fish Swimming in the river. By William Carlos Williams 杨树林里有只小鸟, 那是太阳! 舞动着的树叶, 像小金鱼在水中游动。 ——〔美国〕威廉·卡洛斯·威廉斯