My River runs to Thee- Blue Sea! Wilt welcome me? My River wait reply- Oh Sea-look graciously'- I'll fetch thee Brooks From spotted nooks- Say-Sea-Take Me! 我的小河向你奔去 蓝色的大海!欢迎我么? 等着你的答复呢 哦,仁慈的
Learning is a big part of life. Babies learn how to walk and say words fromtheir parents, older brothers and sisters. They learn what to eat and to drink. Theylearn what to do when they are cold. They
Hello, everyone. I’m a 14-years-old淤boy from New York, USA. New Yorkis my birth place. My English name is Keith and my Chinese name is LiFusheng. Now I’m in Class Six, Grade Seven. I’m studiing于Chines
沈一凡 就读学校:河北省阜城县第四中学 指导教师:张超 I have a good friend. Her name is Mary.She is thirteen years old. She is of mediumheight with curly hair and often wears a pair ofglasses. She is easygoing, and treats u
袁彬 就读学校:湖南省邵阳市洞口县文昌街道洞口学校 指导教师:林周 Hello, everyone. I am Li Hua. There are fourpeople in my family. They are my parents, mybrother and me. My father is a policeman. Heworks in a police station. He o
My name is Li Hua. I’m 13 years old. I usually get up at seven every day.Then I brush my teeth and wash my face. I have breakfast at half past seven. Afterbreakfast I go to school by bus. My school be
Summer of the monkeys 《猴子的夏天》 Jay learns from his grandpa that the monkeys have run away from a travelingcircus1, and there’s a big reward2 for the person who finds and returns them. Hisfamily could
A terrible report has showed which cities could be submerged1 in water inless than 30 years. If you are not affected2 by rising sea levels, or watershortage3, it could be more difficult to notice what
Whenever we read about the Internet, it’s mostly bad news—it’s making usmove less, worry more and spend less time with others. But hold on just a second,because researchers from the University of Oxfo
In the old town of Harmonyville, whereeveryone knew everyone, lived a little girlnamed Lily. She was known for herinfectious laughter2 and the warm heart. Harmonyville Elementary was Lily’ssecond hom
Every night, Caroline ate dinnerwith her mom, dad, and older brotherGraham. When they sat at the table,they each told a story about their dayat work or school. Then they eachtold about something new t
One morning, the block1 came out in the middle of the forest. It was a hugeblock of ice. It is as tall as a tree, and as big as a hundred elephants. What’s more,it was so cold that no one wanted to go
Cyber Monday is a shopping holiday on the Monday following Thanksgiving. Itis a day on which people shopping online2 will get big discounts3 As a result, tens of millions of people take part in on th
Fishermen’s Holiday, also known as Fishermen’sDay, is a holiday on the first Friday in every July. It is aday that celebrates one of the most important jobs in theMarshall Islands. Since it was first
As the development of the Belt and RoadInitiative1, more and more countries are knownto Chinese people. Do you know there is acountry named Uzbekistan? If the answer is yes,what about its capital Tash
Looking at a memorable picture slows our sense of time, according to a newstudy. And the longer people think they have looked at an picture, the more likely3they are to remember it. The new study is
What’s black and white and red all over? Do you know the answer? It’s azebra with a sunburn1! Okay, one more... What’s black and white and has a giraffe cousin? Is it alittle too difficult? The answe
Sea cow is also called manatee.Manatees are aquatic1 mammals2 that belongto a group of animals called Sirenia3. In thisgroup there are also dugongs. Dugongs andmanatees are similar in size, colour and
【本论文荣获第六届外语教师教育创新与发展学术研讨会优秀课例三等奖】 摘要:文化意识体现核心素养的价值取向,培养学生的跨文化交际能力有助于学生加深对中华文化的理解和认同,树立国际视野,坚定文化自信。英语教学应有利于学生理解异国文化,形成跨文化意识,拓展文化视野,同时应加深对中华民族优秀传统文化的理解与热爱。本文结合具体教学案例,探索了初中英语阅读教学中的跨文化交际能力培养的教学设计,旨在探讨初中英
【本论文荣获第六届外语教师教育创新与发展学术研讨会优秀教学设计一等奖】 摘要:以阅读为基础,搭建写作支架是教师经常采用的一种写作教学策略,但是通常教师搭建的脚手架存在内容不丰富、结构不清晰、与学生写作能力不匹配、等问题。本文结合教学案例探索了基于结构化知识的高中英语读写结合教学策略,旨在为学生搭建丰富清晰的脚手架、建构和内化结构化知识、准备写作图谱、开拓学生思维、应用主题语境、根据写作任务迁移结
【本论文荣获第六届外语教师教育创新与发展学术研讨会优秀课例二等奖】 摘要:如今,英语课程改革正如火如荼展开,《普通高中英语课程标准(2017 年版2020 年修订)》(以下简称《新课标》)在实施建议中明确提出要制定指向核心素养发展的单元整体教学目标,以核心素养为导向的的大单元教学已成为众多教师深入教学研究和探索的热点议题。本文通过分析人教版具体某一单元的单元整体教学设计,探讨高中英语大单元教学设